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Ken Liu
Erica Zhang
Amy Huang
emma wang


                                                    What is Water Transfer Imaging?


Water transfer imaging is the process of applying decorative finished to 3D products. Any hard surface, non-porous and that can be submersed in water can be decorated. Another good rule of thumb is if you can get paint to stick to the object most likely you can decorate it with this process. Examples of such materials are: plastic, glass, hardwoods, fiberglass, ceramics, and metal (metal objects will require you to provide a self-etching metal primer)


How does the Water Transfer Imaging Process Work?


Products are decorated using a print, which resides on a thin base of water-soluble film. The printed film is placed on the surface of the water, and the base begins to dissolve. A patented activator chemical is sprayed over the film causing the ink to remain floating in an oil-like state on top of the water. Next the properly prepared part is immersed into the water, and the upward pressure of the water causes the ink to wrap around and adhere to the item. After the entire item has been immersed, it is removed from the water, cleaned and then coated with a clear coat. Included in the kit is a link to a set of video instructions that walk you through all the steps in the process.


How do I use my Water Transfer Imaging Kit?


Clean the part: The part must be free of all dirt, oils, wax, grease, loose paint or other containments that could affect the finished product. It is not required to remove old paint, varnish, bluing, etc. if these items are still in good condition and could be considered a good base for the imaging process.

Prep the part: Mask off areas not to be printed on etc. It is also a good idea to mask off any open voids where the water can be introduced before the image can cover the area. (A good example of this would be to mask off the shells ejection port on a magazine. The masking should be done from the inside out.)

Primer the part: Your imaging kit provides an adhesion promoting primer. Although required for priming plastic parts, it is also a good idea to use this primer on all parts. When priming metals, it is a good idea to apply a self-etching primer for added protection of the parts.

Paint the part: Spray the part with the appropriate base coat. It is best to do this step in layers. Several thin coats are always better than one thick coat. Allow the part to dry between coats.

Dip the part: Item is submerged into dipping container with the film floating on top of the water.

Rinse the part: Rinse the part to remove any residue from the dipping procedure. This is performed using clear  water. If using an outside water source, such as a water hose, be careful not to use to much spray pressure as the image is still vulnerable until fully dry.

Finish coat: Finish the item with the spray clear coat. Again, using several thin coats is always better than using one thick coat. Allow coats to dry between applications.





A:packing condition

  1. 1.    (the surface of film should be packed by pvc bag.)
  2. 2.    (outside packing of film by carton)

B:Lay up

  1. 1.    (Hanging vertically on wood-board):
    1. 2.    (no heavy stuff above the top side )

C.condition of storage

  1. 1.      (room temperature :20-25degrees)
  2. 2.      (Humidty 45-65%:)

D.Keeping standard after open package :

  1. 1.    (Room temperature  20-25 degrees)
  2. 2.    (Humidity : 45-65%)

E. notice:

  1. 1.    (Do not open package until need to use it so as to prevent air too long )
  2. 2.    (Do not press and fold it)